Unfolding My Self

Such gratitude I feel in this moment now. I could say it’s because it snowed last night and the scenery fills my heart, and I feel the happiness of the soil.  But I imagine I would feel this way anyway, just being.


This post is in answer to Barbara’s True Awakening Experiences Part II. Several bloggers participated in the first one, two years ago, and she created a free downloadable e-book. She may do that again. Though I wasn’t a blogger 2 years ago, I am honored to participate this time. Thank you, Barbara.

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My first memories are of our 3 acre woods in Maryland, where I grew up. The very first memory is in the garden with my beautiful mother, as she lovingly showed me “spit bugs” in the small branches of certain plants. She was kneeling, and I only came up to her arm pit, so I must have only been about 2.  I loved her. I loved the dirt and bugs and frogs and snakes and flowers and bunnies and birds and squirrels. I just loved. As I grew, I followed creeks, caught salamanders, brought home tadpoles and watched them turn into frogs, spending almost all of my time in Nature.

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We went to the Episcopal Church, where I was baptized as an infant and confirmed at 12. There, I was taught that God was Love. I still know that.

My mom used to sing me to sleep with a little prayer song, Jesus Tender, Shepherd Hear Me. I sometimes sing that to myself in my mind if my inner child can’t get to sleep at night.

When I was 10, my mom got sick. It was 1963. Though she wouldn’t admit it, the angels told me she was dying. When she did, I wanted to go with her. I was 12.

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Several months later, I was laying on her bed, longing for her. I noticed a little pamphlet. My brother had left it there. He must have been doing the same….longing. He was 14.

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I still have it.

It was written by C.W. Leadbeater, and put out by the Theosophical Society. The first paragraph said, “You have lost by death one whom you loved dearly, one who perhaps was all the world to you; and so to you that world seems empty and life no longer worth the living.  You feel that joy has left you forever, that existence can be for you henceforth nothing but hopeless sadness, naught but one aching longing for the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still.”

Well, he had me at “You have lost by death!” He knew just how I felt. He went on to talk about how there really is no such thing as death. He talked about reincarnation and that we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience – that what we think of as our life, is only one day in the life of our Soul. Every word rang true to me as if I was remembering, rather than reading.

I talked to my brother, David, and he shared that he had found a wealth of spiritual information through our cousin, who started taking us to the Theosophical Society to hear lectures. They also had a library, and I read every book I could get my hands on. So, that’s how it all started. Nature, church and my mother’s death

When I was 16, I found the Edgar Cayce Foundation and spent some time there, learning about all kinds of metaphysical things, like astrology, numerology, intuitive healing, chakras, auras, etc.  My cousin took me to New York to get my first Karmic Life Reading by Dr. Neva Dell Hunter. The day after I graduated from high school, at 17, I went to New Mexico where Dr. Hunter lived. She had a metaphysical center there. I stayed with my cousin, who did numerology for the people at the Center.

I went to the community college there, and met some wonderful people. I moved in with a friend. We discovered hallucinogenics. Wow. To me, they were very spiritual, and I enjoyed experiencing them outdoors. I really got what everyone at the Center was talking about – that we are all One. Everything is One. I went far away from my body and ego mind. I didn’t know my name. As thoughts of friends passed through my awareness, I couldn’t tell if they were from this lifetime or another. I looked at my watch and had no idea what it was. Time didn’t exist. It said 12. I knew that was the middle of something, but I didn’t know what. I saw exquisite patterns of lavender, blue, purple and pink webbing, connecting everything. I didn’t know if I was awake or asleep or dead or alive, and it so didn’t matter. I could see sounds, and smell color. I have to admit, I ate a lot of magic mushrooms over that period of time, both alone and with deep friends. I would  hang out in the Collective Unconscious, sometimes scary parts of it, and sometimes very beautiful. I had to faces fears, and call on the Light to get me through the hard parts. I always prayed for protection during a trip.

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Soon, I learned of Ram Dass. He had taken a lot of psychedelics and had come to realize that you could get there through meditation. I followed his teachings for a while. I love him still. He taught me a lot about Divine Love and to Be Here Now.

I read, listened to talks, meditated, but also started to not take care of myself very well.

I got really sick, died a couple of times, and had blissful experiences in that place. My healing process led me to massage school that had a spiritual aspect to it. I also went to a psychotherapist, and did intense ego work and inner child work, for a couple of years, forgiving myself and others, as well as learning to love myself again.  I was a massage therapist for 5 years, which led me to the desire to be a psychotherapist, which led me to my first Master’s program in Spiritual Psychology. It also led me to Psychosynthesis, which is the modality I used most, which is quite spiritually oriented. Both the Master’s program and the 2 year Psychosynthesis training involved a great deal of inner work. As Ram Dass and also John Bradshaw say, “if you don’t do your ego work, it will pull you back.” I didn’t want that!

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My career mostly focused on spirituality, personal transformation, death, dying and bereavement.  I continued to grow spiritually all along. Elizabeth Kubler Ross and Steven Levine were big influences then. For the last 20 years, I have been doing SpiritWalks, which I developed. They involve working with people outside and letting Nature metaphor their issues. Nature always shows up like magic. Spirit is always present.

Since I was doing a lot of personal ceremony with people anyway, I became a minister through the Universal Life Church so I could legally marry people.

Throughout my life, I studied many different spiritual concepts, belief systems, religions and shamanic studies. I took in the parts that rang true, let the rest go, and formed my own eclectic belief system. It changes a little here and there, but I still come back to the same thing. God is Love. I feel Spirit the most in Nature, and in relationships with people I love. My inner child has also remained strong.

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These days, I am focused on the present moment. I am focused on Happiness, Gratitude, Love and Light. I have been learning Tibetan Tai Chi over the last 5 years, and try to practice that every day. My main spiritual practice, though, is being outside in Nature. Meditating there. That is where I feel closest to my Self and closest to God…which are One. In Nature, I feel One with Source. I AM.

I love this WordPress Community, and my other close friends, sharing our journeys with each other.

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My challenge, as most of you know, is how we are treating the planet. My challenge is in finding that balance between activism and just being. From a higher place, a Soul place, I can Love everyone. In my not so high place, I judge and blame and spew anger vibes to those other people that are causing all this chaos, and rape of my Mother. If we truly are all One, we are those people. I know I contribute to the chaos with angry thoughts. It doesn’t help.

My desire is to imagine everything whole and well for the Highest Good. Not putting my head in the sand. Believe me I know what is going on. I have many soap boxes I like to stand on and rave about, from corporate greed to how we treat children, how we treat animals to what we are doing to wildlife, climate and to Gaia.

But imagining it fine and perfect is putting the vibration of that thought and emotion into the ethers, where they glom onto other like vibrations. My desire is to only Love. What would Love do in this moment? My desire is to be in a place of gratitude and happiness, and putting that vibration out there. I Love this planet. Loving Her is what I am doing these days.  I mostly feel like just Being, and Creating more Love in the world. Loving myself, Being my Authentic Self.  My Higher Self knowingness, wisdom and intuition guide me. Nature guides me. My Inner Child guides me. My Heart Guides me. The All That Is guides me. Divine Love guides me.

So, I have unfolded gradually like a spiral.

pastel feather spiral

From DeviantArt

I do what I can, balancing activism and harmony. It doesn’t help to be furious. Maybe we are all in the caterpillar stage, devouring everything in our path. Chaos. Maybe we will go into our hypothetical cocoons and all of life will emerge like a butterfly. Maybe chaos has to happen for an emergence. I don’t know. I really don’t. I just AM.


It looks like the next person is Vicky, but her address isn’t up. Check out Barbara’s site to read all the other stories.


73 thoughts on “Unfolding My Self

  1. Dearest Mary
    Thank you for sharing the most precious gift you can give ; the priceless view of the unfolding of your beautiful soul, heart and mind. And the journey continues. Thank you for being. I’m refreshed by the beauty you reflect, like a deep clear pool.
    Your photos are superb !

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey and your intimate photos! So many times as I was reading, I smiled in complete recognition of coincidence in small ways (growing up Episcopal, a brother named David) and bigger ways (grieving loved ones who died right beside me – my sister, my husband). The question of how to live, how to participate in Life with all of the feelings, doubts, longings, etc. that are part of its fabric, does seem to point me in the same direction – Love.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, Love always comes through. I lost my dad at 22, and my brother at 32. I was fortunate to have a really good therapist and great grad schooling, so I was able to work though most everything. It really is freeing. Then about 100 of my clients died during the crux of the AIDS epidemic in the mid 80s, so I had to learn to love deeply, then switch gears and go on. I do love deeply, and I am grateful for that. Sounds like you do too. I’m very sorry about your sister and husband. ❤

      Liked by 4 people

  3. this is such a beautiful and vulnerable share mary. it makes me love you even more. thank you for being the loving soul that you are. i think the challenge you shared about finding a balance between being and activism is one many are challenged with and you express it beautifully as a process of asking what the most loving thing to do would be and that is being authentically you, which you do beautifully. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Tania, my beautiful friend! I love you too.
      Thank you for this comment and for being the loving soul that you are.
      Deep love,

      Liked by 3 people

    • Hey Caroline!
      Yay is a great sort of comment! I’m glad you felt “Yay!” Nice to see you! Yay!
      Peace and Love,

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Mary, I started a response three times, and deleted it, just cannot find the right words. Thank you for sharing this. Beautiful, humbling, and so sincere, and I needed this today. 🙂
    Much goodness to you,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kristina, you are so kind and loving. I am happy that I said something meaningful for you. You and I tend to be very interested in each other’s lives. It’s nice.
      Much goodness to you as well, my friend.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Wow, what an interesting path you had! You have gone through all the challenges of grief, sickness, and anger. And you had your travel through the various psychological and spiritual healing methods. And your are applying everything for helping others. What a beautiful path!
    Peace and blessings,

    Liked by 2 people

    • It sure has been an interesting and eventful road for me! It’s been a good life.
      I just read your post on Awakening. Really interesting. I left a comment.
      Peace and blessings to you too, Karin. Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 3 people

  6. What a beautiful gift your Mother gave you connecting you to nature and spirituality so young. Those young formative years are what ground us on our journey and she did that so well. Your have had such deep spiritual experiences over your life, and the book on mourning was quite extraordinary in its wisdom for that time.

    I am sorry for all the loss you have experienced over your life Mary, but it has given you such a deep understanding of who you are in this moment. The love and wisdom you have gained is our gift and it is always so lovely to connect with you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, yes, all I remember of her is love. She really did ground me for my journey.
      That book, yes, and it was only 5 cents! That was a while ago, but it’s a tiny little pamphlet, with really tiny print. It changed my life. The Theosophical Society was ahead of its time, I think.
      I know I have deepened through every loss in my life, and I appreciate you for knowing that. You know the most difficult kind of loss of all, and I know it deepened you too. And I know your book will inspire people and change their lives when they are in that very special place of grief. It will be a gift to the world. I very much look forward to reading it.
      Me too, Karen, I really treasure our connection.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. So sorry you lost your Mom so young. You’ve had an amazing life though, getting introduced to spiritual teachers and metaphysics so young. Other than reading Kahlil Gibran in high school, I didn’t get introduced to more alternative methods info until I was 22. I grew up very metaphysical and spiritual, a I’ve shared before, but didn’t have that validated until then.

    Thanks for sharing your journey!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Katelon. Nice to see you. I was fortunate to have support for my beliefs from my cousins and brother early on. I read Kahlil Gibran in high school too. Love him still! Still have The Prophet! I’m glad you got validation when you were 22. That’s still pretty young. My dad died when I was 22. That threw me into reading Elizabeth Kubler Ross. There wasn’t much written about the death process and the actual grieving process back then. So, she was a pioneer, as was Ram Dass. Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 3 people

      • I could have used help with grief. Someone close to me died every six year since birth…grandmother at age 6, grandfather at 12, older brother/only sibling at 18, other grandmother at 24. I had been told to stuff my grief all along so by 24 I ended up in a deep depression, one of several I went through off and on for years. I’m glad society is facing grief a little more now.

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  8. So sorry you went through so much death so early, Katelon. Yeah, kids weren’t allowed to grieve. I didn’t fully grieve until I went to therapy at 26. I think I was always trying to take care of other people and minimized my own grief because people didn’t know how to be with me around it. I learned that crying often freaked people out! When my brother died when I was 32, you would think I would have been good at it by then, but it was rough. Grieving him taught me so much about grief because I had some tools to deal with it, so I went into it full on. I was in and out of depression too, most of my early life. No fun. I still feel like my life has been really good though, even with all the deaths and a lot of illness. I sure have learned a lot, and have always felt really close to Nature and Spirit, and have always had really good friends.

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  9. Dear Mary, how wonderfully intimate your story unfolded and continues to spiral into infinity and the love of all that is. How deep we sometimes have to feel to appreciate what we have in nature in love in all that is that we are part of. You are so inspiring and compassionate and your beautiful photos help to tell your loving story. Along my journey I remembered that the things some of us continue to do to the planet are there to show us the light and love and we can embrace it all knowing that when each person is ready to remember who they truly are will join our brigade which heals a little bit more of our Environment. Much love to you xxx Barbara

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Barbara. Thank you for your lovely comment. I know what you said about people remembering, and the planet being healed by that is true. In a different dimension, She is healed, whole and well. In this dimension, I don’t know that that happens and I grieve for the loss of all the animals going extinct, and much of the land on the surface now is dead. I know, that when we are gone or all suddenly enlightened, that She will heal herself. There will be just a layer in geology that will have been this time period. She has done this many times before. However, I think we still need to take some sort of stand to stop what is going on. As I try to keep my vibration high, I also quietly behind the scenes try to get things done. Balance.

      Liked by 3 people

  10. That was a wonderful “biography”, Mary. I feel like I really know where your spirit is coming from now. I was surprised when you mentioned John Bradshaw. It was actually “Healing the Shame That Binds You” that sent me on my journeying. Had invited folks from church (any who were interested) in reading it with Drollery and me and was totally shocked when we got together at our house the first. 27 people showed up! Shame, it seemed, was a common problem. It was quite an eye-opener for me.

    As far as the chaos is concerned, I’m sure you know what Nietzsche said: One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. Mary, your star is a beautiful dancer! {{{Mary}}}

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, that is a great book! I think healing the shame is part of remembering who we really are. Being the child of an alcoholic father, shame was a big one for me too. All the family secrets. I think I still have that book! That’s cool about the 27 people!
      No, I hadn’t seen that Nietzche quote. I should write that down! Thank you for that , and thank you for your beautiful comment, Calen!! {{{Calen}}} Do you prefer Calen or Cheryl, by the way?
      Peace and Blessings,

      Liked by 3 people

      • The blogs are the only place I “play” these days, so I guess I prefer Calen. I don’t think anyone called me by my RN until Anna came along. But that’s because I met her through an email, not on the blogs. But I answer to either (or “hey you” or anything else! LOL)

        Liked by 3 people

  11. I thank you, so very much, Mary, for the gift of this post; for being invited to the wonderful telling of these parts of your Journey. I see why I have been so drawn to you, over this past year, reading your words, and sitting with the photographs you’ve taken and shared with us. There are many similarities in our paths. I always feel so at home when here on your blog.
    I found the idea of Spiritual Psychology very interesting, and hope to find something akin to that here. My own work in the realm has been all traditional psychotherapy. Yes, it helped for my needs at the times I sought guidance, but it was not ever Spiritual, at least not on a conscious level. Everything is Spiritual, though often on a level of which I am not conscious. Perhaps the time has come to look in that direction.
    I particularly love the process of ‘Just Being.’ I do strive for that when I come back to myself.
    I spent a week at The Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment, back in the 80s. It was an important moment in my own work. Are you familiar with The Gurdjieff Foundation? Through my mother, I spent a few years attending meetings at the New York ‘chapter.’ I have many books both by Gurdjieff, and Cayce.
    Much love, and many Blessings to you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Fim,
      So glad you feel at home here. It has been really nice, cultivating our friendship over the year.
      That’s interesting about Gurdjieff. I had lots of friends that were into him. One of my teachers, my senior year in high school, which was at a Quaker Friends School was into him. This guy was so intelligent and over my head that I figured, why even try to read Gurdjieff. Cayce was always so straight forward. That library was really something, wasn’t it? And right there by the ocean.

      As far as Spiritual Psychology, more and more people are practicing it as it has gotten more popular. There are, of course, some very religious forms of it. I was lucky to find such a good therapist in ’79-’80 and then such good teachers. Anyone who graduated from University of Santa Monica would be good. If you are looking for a therapist, I’m sure google would turn up a few. Psychology Today is a place on line people used to advertise in. I’m kind of out of the loop. I never had to advertise, fortunately. Seems like there would be tons in your area. My memory being poor, I can’t remember exactly where you live…Queens?

      Yes, Just Being. There is so much to that!

      Thanks for being here, Fim. I always enjoy your company.

      Love and Blessings,

      Liked by 3 people

      • You’re right, Gurdjieff’s books were a difficult read. What helped was one of his students, P.D. Ouspensky did a very good job of translating them into language most people could comprehend. I have both authors in my library and will usually reach for Ouspensky.

        Yes, the Cayce Association’s location was amazing. The library was so comprehensive. The motel I stayed in was right on the beach. It was one of those pivotal times in my life.

        I will check into some of the websites which give practitioner locations for this area. It is interesting that you said Queens. I grew up in Queens, but am currently in the Mid-Hudson Valley, up around Poughkeepsie.

        I enjoy your company very much, Mary!

        Love and Blessings,

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Dear Mary, what a wonderful post. I have this wonderful feeling as if we had just gone for a nice hike in the woods and we were having a great conversation, the type that friends can have even if they haven’t seen each other for years. Thanks for the rest and recreation and sharing your story. That is how we connect and I do fear that ‘the public’ is losing the importance to our very being connected to each other and to our Mother Earth. Peace and hope you have many more wonderful strolls.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Harlon. So nice to see you here. Thanks for taking a walk with me and for our conversation. I agree that connecting like this is so important, and that the public is losing the the feeling of importance of it. And yes, if we can’t even connect with each other, what about Mother Earth? Thank you for knowing these connections are important, for being here and for your heart.

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  13. Just reading about your journey is inspiring and healing, Mary. I admire you for the challenges you have faced and the manner in which you have overcome them, matching difficulty with blessing at every turn. The Earth is a beautiful place– our little oasis in the cosmos– and it is astounding how loose and free we play with her parameters. But also I think she has a Love at work in her we are only just beginning to understand. Your pictures are beautiful exemplars of this, and we can see the intelligence and the connection at work in each one. I particularly liked the view of the forest fresh with snow…

    I’m glad you got one of the snowfalls you wanted! Hope you get one or two more…

    Peace and Love

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Michael,
      For your insights as well and your complementary tenderness.
      I do believe there is a Love at work in her, as you said, that we are just beginning to understand. It is my biggest challenge right now. I can see through the chaos to possibilities, and I certainly vision and pray for them. I just love this oasis in the cosmos so much, I am not sure how much destruction I can bear. Hopefully it is another challenge I can match blessings to as I continue walking this path.

      I appreciate you so much, Michael. Your heart is boundless, an oasis in itself in this universe we call home.

      Peace and Love to you, my dear friend,

      Liked by 2 people

  14. Many blessings sent from me to you on your journey to fully understand one’s place in the possibilities of the universal forces to make a change to what is happening to the environment. I heard a recent news update here in Canada that the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, years back, is still ongoing and contaminating the Pacific Ocean. World powers have ignored it’s time bomb potential. 😦


    • Yes, it has been killing ocean wildlife, burning them. Dolphins have been showing up with big burns. So sad. And a glob of plastic the size of the United States floating around in the pacific. Massive methane leak in CA as well as continuing effects of the Gulf oil spill that nobody talks about. Our governor is doing horrific things here. Climate change, fracking. It’s all so huge! Where is our place, Olga? Where is that balance between activism, trust and peace? They say people are waking up, and I believe that on a higher level, but the less evolved part of me is having a really hard time with it. You know? I mean, tick tock tick tock…
      Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate it.
      I hope you are having a lovely weekend, despite the world on the brink, 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank-you Mary for responding in such a lengthy and empathetic concern for the our future environment. I’m hoping that the butterfly effect in thought and individual action is a saving and magical force. Wishing you a wonderful weekend also. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  15. I loved this deep and heartfelt post, Mary, and your photos are gorgeous. It is amazing to see where life has led us. The older I get, the more I see there is a master plan for all our lessons. As we’ve stated before, we are similar in our love of Nature and this amazing planet. Like you, I get frustrated with other people who don’t seem to care about our home. I’ve come up with a new mantra to remind myself to stay centered around things I disagree with: “Compassionate non-judgment” (I repeat it over and over til I feel more neutral) It helps me get out the negativity I’m feeling, which like you said, just adds to the chaos. Peace to you, my friend! ❤


    • Yes, I love that – “compassionate non-judgement.” I’m not sure I want to be neutral. I want to be at the ready if there is something I can do- on the other hand being neutral puts one in a place of knowing when to act and when not. Balance is the word I like. I certainly don’t want to add to the chaos! Peace and Love. No corporate greed. Haha. Like, it’s up to me. Well…it is up to me in my own heart. Nice having this conversation with you Eliza.:) Peace to you as well, my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Mary, so grateful to have read your journey. connecting in love in this journey of the heart.
    I just came back into blogging, inspired by Barbara and her loving challenge Heart to Heart Robyn


    • Hey Robyn,
      Glad you are back into blogging so I could meet you! I read your contribution. It is so meaningful to read each other’s stories and connect heart to heart here. I wanted to comment on your post, but I didn’t see where to do that, so all I could do is “like”. Anyway, it is a powerful story. You came through a lot on this journey. So nice that you live on beautiful Maui now. I love it there. There is a labyrinth that I like to walk at a little church in the hills. I wish I could remember where. Do you know of it? I think it is an Episcopal church, not sure.
      Thanks for commenting here, Robyn. I look forward to seeing you around blogosphere!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Just saw this message here Mary! I think you may be thinking about Temple of Peace in Maui. Thank you for trying to comment so hard. I had discovered when my wordpress renewed my address was put in incorrectly and my Avatar was not working! now it is and my comments are at the top (right) of the article, kind of a different spot for them. So glad I finally saw your message and connected to you as well! Maui is very special and feel very blessed to be here, especially for me Haleakela! (center of the harmonic conversion) We have a vortex that reaches all the way to Sedona and I have been transformed by its power simply by the proximity. Definitely assits me in my work as a reflection of peace to live here! i am also blessed to have an amazing spiritual partner for the last 12 years in my life with me on this journey. Thanks again for stopping by! Heart to heart Robyn
        Hope you can visit Maui soon!


      • I have also felt the power of Haleakala. I had no idea about the vortex going all the way to Sedona! Wow!
        Is the Temple of Peace a little church? It’s almost kind of near a parking lot, I think. We walked it very early in the morning. Seems like a long time ago…maybe 10 years or so. I love Maui. I love diving deep (well as deep as I can) and listening to the whales.
        Blessings Robyn


  17. As I read this, I became aware of things we have in common such as working in counseling/therapy which has been my job for thirty years, my own inner child work, and in our spiritual beliefs. Though I came to the Episcopal church after my rebellious twenties and have continued to be active in that church, I’ve searched for ways to integrate my Christian beliefs with a deep love of nature which has been with me for as long as I can remember. Fortunately the Episcopal church is open enough to support such explorations, and I’ve found St. Francis to be one bridge. Your post, reminds me of my interests in eco-therapy and meditation in nature – interests I’ve drifted away from lately. I am grateful to you for stirring this back up for me to include in the mix of things I hope to explore as I return to my truest self.


    • Hey JoAnna!
      Wow, we do have a lot in common! Thanks for sharing this with me. Yes, St. Francis is a great bridge. I love him. I’m so glad something I said stirred some things up for your return to your truest self. Nature is certainly my strongest link to Self.
      I really like your blog. I think these connections here help us all get back to Self through Love.Thank you for coming here and for leaving a comment. See you around blogosphere!
      Many Blessings,


    • Thank you, Mandi! I’m so glad of this! Thank you for letting me know. It is really nice to see you here!
      Many blessings to you.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Oh My Goodness, Mary, this is so HEARTFELT AND RAW AND OUT THERE AND COURAGEOUS, WHEW! What a story, what a life, and what AWESOME fortitude to make it through and BE the person you are today. Quite miraculous, really! I hope you are as proud of you as I am. I feel like I can touch the snow in the pictures, it’s so “real”. I don’t know HOW you do it, every time….SUCH photography! Bless you for this Great Blog! And for Inspiring whoever is lucky enough to read it. Love you


    • Hi Jessica!
      Thank you so much for this loving comment. You were/are such a HUGE part of my unfolding, for which I am forever grateful. You have been strong love and encouragement at my most crucial moments, and continue to be such a deep heart connection. I love you so much. Thank you for being in my life in such a meaningful and true heart way, my dearest cousin.


  19. Mary ❤ That was so deeply moving and powerful. Theosophy at 12 years old, lucky, that was for sure a blessing coming from the devastating loss of your mother, What a lovely life you have held, and hold. We are all so very blessed to know you. I can feel your energy in New Mexico, and cannot wait to come there and walk with you someday as my guide. I really do just love and adore you sister.

    Lots of Love


    • Thank you, Laura!
      Do I get to see you this summer, I hope, I hope? Rumor has it you might be coming west.
      So nice of you to read and comment.
      Much love,


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