Angles of Perspective

This post is in response to the Daily Post weekly photo challenge. This one is about taking pictures of the same object at different angles.

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This creekside rock is part of the landscape.

A red-tailed hawk, visionary of the air,  may barely notice it as she soars above.

Do you see the smaller pile of rocks just above the first curve, behind the thin tree?

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This is that pile.   It is the home of a lizard. The top of this rock holds his whole world.

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To another animal, perhaps a small mouse who lives in a hole close to the creek, the rock is just something to notice as he drinks in the evening.  It is the bottom of it that he sees, and the designs on it.  As his little tongue ripples the water, the reflection changes. I wonder if he knows it is the same rock, mirrored. I would guess not.

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I walk on top to visit my friend, the lizard. He comes out to greet me.

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Later, I go back across the stream to sit. I meditate with the rock, enjoying another perspective completely.

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We are all One, yet we see things so differently.

The outer world is a mirror of our own unique inner reality.

May we see love and unity as our world changes and shifts. May our hearts be open to all that is.


May we be empathic to the perspective of others, and observant of our own.

We lost a beautiful teacher recently. Dr. Wayne Dyer. I remember him telling a story about perspective. It went something like this.  He was almost bald, with a thin band of hair. He said, “you might look at me and think that I don’t have much hair. But if you saw this little bit of hair in say…..your soup, you would think it was a lot of hair. Perspective.”

It is transforming to see the world through many perspectives. In hawk vision, we see the big picture – the overall view. There is much responsibility in this awareness. Compassion and wisdom can be aquired here. It is a higher perspective. It is a vantage point from which we see that all gifts are equal in the eyes of the Great Spirit.

From mouse vision, much detail can be seen. We can look at ourselves and others very carefully.  Slow down and really look.  Look deeply, as if through a magnifying glass.

And our dear lizard is prominent in dreamtime. With lizard as a friend, symbology becomes a deep perspective. Quiet listening in several worlds, separated only by a thin veil.  Breathing deeply into and through our shadow, we grow in deep wisdom.  As we pay attention to our dreams and the symbols therein, lizard shows us the subtleties of perception.

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This picture was snapped from the rock with zoom lens

As our world changes, and we change within it, may our perspective hold a great amount of gratitude.





85 thoughts on “Angles of Perspective

  1. Perspective…
    I’ve been learning about perspective lately, Mary. Varying perspectives of the same object, fascinating . Could I remember to be the mouse along with the hawk; viewing with love and gaining understanding.
    Lovely and well thought out and as always so thought provoking.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jen E. You are kind. If everyone could view with love, compassion and understanding, the world would certainly benefit! Sometimes mouse has to be weary of hawk, though, and not get too caught up in the detail. I know I have to be cognizant of the balance.


  2. “May we see love and unity as our world changes and shifts. May our hearts be open to all that is.” Just beautiful Mary, I loved reading this post. Each time I open myself to expand, I learn to see more clearly and change my perspective. Thankyou. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Very nice. Being able to understand perspective is the first step toward compassion. Understanding that the same thing can seem very different or similar or the same. It is the most important thing everyone on this planet needs to understand very quickly.
    The lizard is my totem animal. It has taught me much.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Dennis. I agree. Very quickly.
      I was trying to remember that story having to do with 3 blind people touching different parts of an elephant and coming to different conclusions as to what it was. The rock reminded me of that.
      We will have to swap lizard stories sometime. They have taught me much as well.


    • Dennis, lizard is your totem animal in what tradition? I would love to find out more about lizard’s medicine. In fact, before I replied here earlier I was searching the web for information, but couldnt find anything. I remember many years ago I was with a “Grandma Kitty” who was of the Lakota people, and she walked people through the medicine of many animals. She said that Lizard medicine connected one to the Stars. i searched for that earlier and couldnt find anything ( not the the world wide web is the be all and end all of everything, but it does help!). I had thought, before I read of the lizard, I could see stars in one of Mary’s photographs.

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      • Hey Debbie. I was just reading what you wrote to Dennis. I’m not sure he will get your message, as he doesn’t have a blog. He is an email follower, so I don’t think he gets comments back…unless he comes back here. Not sure. Anyway, I would guess lizard his his totem animal because it has shown up in his life a lot. Not sure if it is from any particular tradition. If you want more information, you might try googling Ted Andrews. He wrote a book called Animal Speak. He is no longer alive, but I bet his info is on line. Also Jamie Sams and David Carson put out Animal Medicine Cards which comes with a book. There are a lot of Nature divination cards out there. Also, there is a blog that I follow called DruidGarden…written by a woman named Willowcrow. Her blog site is loaded with all kinds of info. What I find is that if you study an animal that seems to be speaking to you, really get an insight into its behaviour, you can learn a lot about yourself. Anyway, I shouldn’t speak for Dennis, haha. For me lizard is about dreamtime, meditation and shamanic journey. Also, they are just so friendly and attentive. So, connecting with the stars would fit. She sounds very interesting. I wonder if she is still around.
        Oh, and I wish those were stars in my photo. Just bubbles in the water…but let’s just say they are stars!
        Thank you for you comments, Debbie. It is nice to connect with you today. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Wonderful pictures as usual Mary, with a great commentary. Are those specks in the 6th picture, reflections of stars? The pic with the reflectionof the rock – I see specks of light in a constellation pattern. Maybe I’m just dreaming. So important to remember perspective. thanks for another great post. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Debbie! I wrote in another reply to you about what those specks of light are. Sadly not stars, but let’s just dream them into being stars. I like that way better than bubbles.:)

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    • Thank you Karin! Yes, changing perspective. It is fascinating every day, choosing focus, attitude and perspective and seeing what happens! Nice to see you here. 🙂

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    • Thank you Mishie! What a great way to put it – so intimate and personal, yet so universal. Thank you for birthday wishes too!


  5. Oh MerB this is another OUTSTANDING post that intrigues, edifies and inspires with the fabulous photography and the poignant writings. I was especially touched by the counterpoint Breadth of Hawk Vision and Close Detail of Mouse Vision, with Lizard somehow in the middle with Dreamtime symbolic thin veil Vision. And I LOVE your closing with Gratitude… make me more grateful for the Wondrous World we live in with every single Blog! Gratitude to YOU, on the eve of your Birthday! And all my love, your cousin Jessica

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aw, Jessica! Thank you so much!! You always make me feel so good about my blog. Thank you for your deep heartfelt support. It touches my heart in such a warm and blessed way. I love you so much. Thank you for your wonderful call today and beautiful song. I will play it over and over and never erase it. I am grateful for you, my dear dear cousin.


  6. It’s your birthday Mary?

    Happy Birthday to you!!!!

    May the rocks, leaves, plants, critters and creatures of the Universe all conspire to make this birthday return the most Joyous one!

    Happy Birthday, dear Mary! 🙂


    • Thank you! And I got this one in my email, so maybe all is well. Thanks for commenting. I did have a happy birthday. Thanks for wishing it for me. 🙂

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    • Very true, Kim. I really love how gratitude feels, and the natural world is where I am most grateful. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comment.

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  7. Mary another thought provoking post. Wayne Dyer left a spiritual legacy for all to follow. Thank you for reminding us about perspective. While reading Wayne’s thoughts on hair a vision of a small clump of hair on an otherwise bald headed newborn. We would say look at all the hair even though it was a small clump:) Your photos are amazing and the different angles and perspectives are interesting. Spent the weekend in nature myself with over an hour of that outdoor time focused on capturing dragonflies in flight. Difficult but with patience it was a success. Love how being out in nature allows us to feel that there is something greater than ourselves that will go on long after we transition. Love and Light!


    • Thank you, Sandy. Yeah, miss ol’ Wayne.I try to get dragonflies in flight. I get maybe one out of 40! I love taking pictures. It is so great with digital. We can take as many as we want!!! I used to hate running out of a role, or a stuck role in the camera just when the perfect shot is available. There are certainly different problems, but I find it very freeing. I was so resistant for so long to switch over. So true for so many things in life these days. Ah resistance…One can never win when fighting with reality.Love and Light to you too, Sandy

      Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 00:48:10 +0000 To:

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  8. I love the photos and message here, Mary. Also how the light changed as you moved from point to point. The way you write, I imagine you staying put for stretches of time, just watching. Then moving around. The last photo seemed to have a brighter light than the others, and it changed everything to look out when all the other photos were looking in. That shift from inner to outer– realizing their connectedness– is so important.

    “May we see love and unity as our world changes and shifts. May our hearts be open to all that is.”



    Liked by 2 people

  9. Hi Mary,
    Thank you for taking me along for a little journey with the lizard here.


    Back to Lizard:
    We have so many of them here in SoCA (compared to PA as there was none). I remember the first time I saw one doing push-ups in the sun. I thought I was far enough away from him so he wouldn’t feel me invading his space, but maybe not to him (was I far enough away). I read that they also do push-ups in the morning and at night. It could have been a part of his daily routine.

    Your written words here really demonstrate how important it is to recognize the limitations as well as the virtue of our perspectives, as well as our mobile ability to change them. Limitations, because we can only see what is available by virtue of our shape/size/position/awareness/senses… Virtue, because we are lucky to see anything at all…

    I’m glad I wandered over here today, this morning. I definitely rely on intuition for that; my reader and email notifications and/or reader isn’t showing me everything I want to see!

    Happy journeying, Mary! Happy Birthday!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Ka!
      Nice to see you here today. I love rocks and lizards too! If I sit on a rock where I think a lizard might be, they usually come out for a chat. One time one caught an ant and did pushups. I told him what a great little hunter he was and he did more push ups. Then he got another one, I said the same, and more push ups. We both saw a fly at the same time. He looked at me with tilted head. I asked him if he was going to go for it, and and boom, he caught it and ate it. I was very enthusiastic about how great he was and he jumped right up into my lap! They have also taken me on shamanic journeys. Good friends, those lizards. They often talk to me of shedding skin and transformation.
      Thanks for the birthday wish.
      Aloha Ka

      Liked by 3 people

  10. Beautiful captivating photos you have shared Mary, Worlds within Worlds in which you see so much more than with the naked eye..
    Wayne Dyer was a wonderful teacher, and he was one of the first to hold great impact upon my own journey to alter my perspective about many things way back in the 90’s.. my book shelves are lined with many of his books.. I am sure he still has much more work yet to complete as he was no doubt welcomed back home with great joy and jubilation for his mission accomplishment.. 🙂

    Lovely to meet you, and I look forward to delving deeper into your blog very soon..

    Blessings Sue


    • Thank you, Sue. Thanks for coming by, commenting and for the follow. I am happy for this connection.I have wanted to meet you for a while now, as we have many mutual friends.

      Yes, I’m sure Wayne Dyer had a whole host of friends welcoming him home. He was such a great teacher here, and will be missed.

      I look forward to delving into your blog soon as well. I have been away for a week and have much catching up to do! I had a wonderful time at Lake Powell, and am also glad to be back to this wonderful wp community.

      Thank you again, Sue. I look forward to getting to know you.

      Blessings to you

      Liked by 1 person

      • Like wise.. I looked up Lake Powell, and wow, such wonderful views.. Stunning… And I too look forward to getting to know you more also.. Enjoy your settling back in as you catch up with everyone..
        Blessings to you Mary..

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Beautiful as always, Mary. You are reminding me of the cardboard TP roll I introduced to my audience yesterday as a “new technology” to facilitate focus and attention on details. Take one out to your back yard or into nature and see the detail that gets lost in our default big picture vision. See cracks in wood, individual leaves in trees, insects crawling on rocks … Love it!


    • That’s great, Kris! “New technology” – a TP role. That’s one reason I love photography. It is so much like a toilet paper roll. The different perspecives – big picture,small picture. I love how you say, our “default big picture vision.” We do miss a lot.

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  12. First time here and…the beauty but yet simplicity resonates with me. Love those pictures of nature! It’s the little details that convey so much – the treasures of nature. What it offers to us, to all living beings (and perhaps even the immortal ones 🙂 ).
    Beautiful words, beautiful images. Glad I found your site. Will return !


  13. Great post. Just found you…somehow? You know, I have always felt close to lizards. I traveled all the way to Komodo once, just to see the dragon there. And when I see a lizard in the grass or on a rock, I always stop. And I speak of lizards in my last few posts. Mostly it’s about lizard poop, but still.
    I wonder if I have a lizard nature, or I adhere innately (or from a past life) to what you say? Glad I found you. I’ll return to see what you are up to.


    • Hey Badfish!
      I recognize you from Fimnora’s blog…and probably a couple of other mutual WP friends.
      Don’t you love how lizards tilt their heads and listen when you talk to them? I have had many profound conversations with them.
      Now, a Komodao dragon! I have never seen one in the wild. I have seen them as pets in an aquarium in pet stores. Seems so sad to cage them. How very cool that you went there!
      I watched a lizard poop once – through binoculars, no less. I will have to go to your blog and see what you have to say about lizard poop.
      Thanks for stopping by and conversing. I am happy for the connection.
      Take care.


      • Right…and maybe that’s how I found you–someone’s blog. And yes, I like most things about lizards, head tilting, and the way they move so gracefully, and lightly. And bake in the sun. I thought I was bad about this poop stuff, but watching through binocs! You win!


      • Haha! Well, I was looking at it through binocs, and it just started pooping and I became sort of fascinated by it in the moment, and didn’t look away. You might still be the winner having photographed it, but I have to admit, I photographed Gunnison Sage Grouse poop this weekend.
        I love to hang out with lizards. They help me meditate. You know…they don’t say much.


      • Oh, do you know others? I didn’t realize it was a thing. I wonder if I could find my coyote poop picture that had a complete mouse skeleton in it. Your turn.


      • OMG…(and I never used acronyms like that!), a complete mouse skeleton. That’s hard to beat. But…I’ll go with Komodo dragon paddies—they’re all white because they swallow things whole and digest bones and all…and pieces of water buffalo thigh bone might lie in the paddy.

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      • That is pretty darn cool! Water Buffalo thigh bone! How big are Komodo dragons?! I saw mountain lion poop last week. That was cool, except that it was too near to the beloved beaver lodge. Let’s see…last week raccoon, fox, horse, goose, turkey, elk, deer, bunny…all pretty boring. Haven’t seen bear poop for 2 years, which is not cool at all. Oh – last year I saw an owl pellet. Not poop, but barf. Sort of along the same lines. Are we getting carried away with the poop thing? I find it pretty interesting.


      • Komodo dragons easily reach ten feet, some longer. You don’t want to run across a hungry one. I used to Live in the Rockies in Colorado, saw lots of “sign.” The best I can do lately is dog poop in Amsterdam…the dog poop capital of Europe, possibly the world!

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      • 10 feet! No, wouldn’t want to run across a hungry one.
        I like the word “sign” better when in the wild. It sounds better, and really is a sign that a certain animal has been there and what it has been eating, etc. However, dog poop (and I think we need to call a shovel a shovel here) holds no fascination for me. It really is just poop. Maybe not to other dogs, but ew.


      • OMG Mary, who would have thought that Mr Badfish would find someone to feed his reptile poop obsessions here – methinks in this cateogory, you have outdone the Master! 🙂


      • Maybe you are onto something, Debbie! Like tea leaves, perhaps? No, that is far more refined.
        Actually “sign” is the correct word among naturalists, as is “cloaca.” Yes, the blogosphere is a pretty amazing place – from silly to scientific to art to deep spiritual truths to travel to good friendship. I appreciate your friendship, Debbie.

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      • I’m so glad I started blogging. I knew ‘sign’ must have been some kind of ‘correct’ signage for ‘poo’ but it was too good of an opportunity to not joke about.
        And I , too, Mary, value your friendship. I can still remember the North Star post that I first found when I stumbled into your blog. I still revisit it from time to time. We all need our North Stars.
        here’s to wandering mindfully in nature and healing the world…
        thank you for your wise and wonderful posts dear Mary. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  14. I love how you looked at different perspectives and spent time with your lizard friend. From my perspective, it takes great care and reverence to do that and that appealed to me. And I loved the quote from Wayne Dyer! A great truthful chuckle!
    Thanks for sharing and the photos were wonderful.

    Much love,


    • Thank you Sarah!I appreciate your visit and comment. Yeah, Wayne Dyer was/is pretty great. Miss him being on the planet. I’m glad you liked the photos.
      Love back to you,

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! Thanks for stopping by and for your comment. Both views are important, don’t you think? Any many more.


  15. Brilliant nature photos and thoughts.I really like your perspective and your attitude towards life and our Big Mother nature.Your “Cosmos” and the communication with our universe is beyond the ordinary!Peace to you and to the world, Doda

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Thank you so much! She has certainly gifted me with Her beauty and teachings. Peace to you, Doda and yes, most definitely, peace to the world.

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