Choosing My Focus

Focusing on the crispness and blurs of focus today,  as I ponder the WordPress weekly photo challenge about such.
Throughout any given day, I experience many phases of focus. In this moment, watching the shadows of leaves dancing on my page, I concentrate on being in the moment, focused on Nature. The breeze is soft on my skin, as the grasses sway. I hear the haunting flute notes of the mourning dove, the “yank yank” chatter of the busy nuthatch as he eats insects on the tree, mostly upside down.
I hear the melodic songs of the grosbeak and the robin;




the rhythmic clicking of the cicada as it warms up for its continuous afternoon trill; the chatter of the red squirrel high in the conifer trees; the distant echoing of thunder; the musical beating wings of hummingbirds;

the “bougainviiiiiiia,” “Mamameeeea,” territorial cry of the red winged blackbird;

The chirping crickets, the “drink your teeeeea,” phrases of the spotted towhee; the sweet song of the wren; the cry of the red tailed hawk; the buzzing of bees and other insects;

the incessant humorous repetitions of the parent magpies teaching their young words, inflections and sentences. If I were patient and focused enough, I could probably figure out their different sounds, but languages are hard to learn, especially those not Latin based.
I see colors, shapes, patterns, and movement. I smell pine, oak leaves and flowering wild roses.
This focus and attunement with Nature always brings me to happiness, gratitude, and being in my heart space.

At other times, I find myself triggered into a focus of sadness and anger, especially because of the mistreatment of our Mother.
Sometimes it is just a matter of taking care of my body. Have I eaten enough? Gotten enough sleep? Lack of these makes me irritable, which can put me into an awful mood, focused on what makes me upset, and I go downhill from there.
What is the world mirroring to me in these moments? What has arisen for me to heal, forgive, and love?     

The incompetence of huge corporations, as they wield such power over our lives, frustrates me to great lengths. How much control do I have over this situation? Not much. The only thing I have control of is my perception, focus and reaction, and then how I am with myself during them.

Will battling our land line phone company bring back our disabled service any sooner? I have fought with them, going around in circles, solving nothing. One can’t win when fighting reality. What is it about being a victim that needs focus and healing? I also had a recent experience in an airport that was traumatic for me – again feeling like a victim. I have compassion for my inner victim, and forgive myself for judging her. How could I have taken better care of myself?
By letting go of the need for control

Letting go

Letting go more

Letting go sooner

Sometimes we need to focus on our healing.
Sometimes being out of focus is important. There is great beauty in being out of focus…in just being. Sometimes in prayer, when asking for something specific, details are important in our visualizations.



At other times, we need to leave space for the Highest Good of All Concerned. We may not know what that looks like, and may only have a blurred idea. When we feel the Divine Beauty in our hearts, details fall away.

Blurriness inspires the imagination.

Judgements steal my focus too, at times. A mirror of this for me is the magpies harassing the red – tailed hawks. I judge them for grabbing the feathers of my friend, and devoted spirit animal, leaving them torn and tattered.

The blackbirds chase them too. These hawks don’t hurt them. Theirs is a diet of rodents. The magpies eat baby birds out of the nest. Are they projecting that onto the hawk? Cowbirds lay their eggs in smaller bird’s nests, because they don’t want to take care of their own children. Their babies grow up bigger, and out- compete the host babies. Why don’t the blackbirds go after them? It doesn’t seem fair. But there are no judgements in Nature. The magpies had just fledged their babies and felt extra protective.

See? It is again my projection about big corporations and political power. When do I stand up? When do I let it go? If I have no control, let it go. If I am guided to act, then act.
A double focus is sometimes called for. Higher, bigger picture and smaller, detailed picture. Hawk vision and bug vision.




A bug’s journey over the great abyss

As Jackson Browne wrote in his song, For a Dancer in the early ‘70’s – “Perhaps a better world is drawing near. Just as easy it could all disappear.” Maybe we will leave the planet as a species. She will heal Herself when we are gone. Maybe a miracle appears, and we pull out of this. Maybe we all ascend and She comes with us. I guess we will find out. In the meantime, what is our focus?

I haven’t posted (with the exception of a small Thanksgiving faerie) since November, 8th – election day. I don’t want to get into politics, only to say it threw me. My muse left me that day. My focus has been all over the place. I have been journaling a lot, but nothing posted. Red-tailed hawk has been sticking to me like glue – following me on my walks, answering me as I try to imitate her cry and call to her, circling me when I need to remember Truth, planting herself on the tree just outside my bedroom when I need support or comfort.

She reminds me always of the big picture. I do better there – keeping my focus on the Trust that something of Higher Good is unfolding. My goal is to focus on Love, Beauty, Gratitude and Grace. What we focus on is our choice. It creates our reality.

However, I can’t overlook what needs to heal within me. I pay attention to the mirrors and shadows that call my attention.





As I forgive myself for judgements that I project, healing takes place. My inner child is joyful and wise. She is my muse.

I hold a double focus – being mad at CenturyLink, for example, who can’t be bothered with fixing our phone – doing what I can to remedy the situation, then healing the little victim within me, with the help of lacey blue flax, swaying in the wind unharmed. She holds no tension in her body. The wind bothers her not at all. A double focus of this woodland scene, and the worldwide scene. Projecting Love and Grace.
Letting go.

Higher Self witnessing small self with Compassion

Today is the longest day. The day of most light. I celebrate the Light today, and focus on that, like these little twin faeries concentrating on the Light ahead.

I have missed you all. Hopefully I am back. My intention is to visit those of you with blogs, and see what you have been up to. I have felt my absence from you every day, and longed for my muse to return. I have had no internet for long stretches as well, so no communication was possible, except on rare trips to town. Even my travels took me to places with no internet or phone service.

I have had a lot of great experiences since November – travels, adventures, time with loved ones, lots of depth, laughter and tears, and beautiful quiet time in the woods.

Part of my missing muse came about from the felt sense that I could no longer “walk my talk,” having posted Chaos and Calm right before the election. I have worked on forgiving myself for all that nonsense, too, and know that you all will welcome me back lovingly.
Thank you for your friendship and support. Happy Solstice!!!
Blessings, Love and Light!

82 thoughts on “Choosing My Focus

  1. Mary great to have you back. I have been missing you. I have barely posted either – travelling my own roads to the new and unknown. i wondered what had happened to you.. it was No 45! understandable, but lets focus on the growing new world that is springing up….
    stay with blue lacey flax and red-tailed hawk – strong medicine!
    all is well dear Mary, all is well. lovely to hear from you again. 🙂 much love.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Dearly Beloved Cousin ‘o Mine, I am OVERWHELMED with JOY that you are BACK. Tears running, big lump of Gratitude sobs in my throat. You are Unspeakably Beautiful. Many of the pictures make me STOP, STUNNED! I thought I had seen it all til I came to your Guardian/Protector Hawk, and that just did it. The dam broke. It had been rising and rising, through the shimmering hummingbird (HOW did you manage that one? Nevermind any of the rest?), and that off the scale peach and green flower, and the superinspirational purply/blue orb/planet, and then the beatific Letting Go featheries and gorgeous wee beetle bug. But Great Messenger Hawk/Ally slipped me over the edge. And THEN, the Compassionate Witness alongside the Twin Faeries,….the lump just gets bigger and bigger. Mary, thank God/dess you are BACK! We have SO missed you! My Love for you is Ginormous, pouring out to you in this moment, wrapping your wee victim self in all this most exquisite BEAUTY, just loving her, just holding her, just Shining this Golden Light on her, entrancing her in to empowerment alongside the Most of You that offers us SUCH IMMENSE GIFTS, in your words and images, your Depth of Sensitivities. Truly, you create Soul Symphonies. I love you

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow, Jess! Talk about tears running. You just did that for me! I so wish we were together to share the depth looking in each other’s eyes. I miss you so much. I have to remember that we are with each other always, heart to heart and Soul to Soul despite the miles between us. I love you too, my beautiful, beloved, gifted, loving, sensitive,supportive, and oh so wise cousin. Ginormous Love to you!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your wisdom encourages me to forgive myself for many things, including not wanting to look at “the news,” and focusing mostly on other things more within my reach. I wondered what happened to you, and now that you have clarified the timing, it makes sense. Now, I am thankful you took time away to take care of yourself and that you have returned here for whatever time you wish. Thank you for your beautiful photos, wisdom, and hope. Welcome back, Mary, with love.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi JoAnna!
      I have missed you! I will be over to your place soon. I totally get it about the news. It is like a giant soap opera, but affects our lives and that of the Planet in giant ways. I pretty much stay away from it. I get a lot of emails from environmental agencies and other causes that are dear to me to know when and where I need to act. Other than that, I try to stay in a different focus. Thank you for seeing this post and for your heartfelt and beautiful comment, JoAnna.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Fugefly! That means a lot to me. I am honored that you see the magic.
      Peace to you,


  4. Amazing, amazing photography and lovely moving musing as well. Welcome back. I haven’t been posting much either but have posted some about the daily work I’ve been doing since Oct. 2014, to assist in shifting the planet to the light. So you might enjoy reading my blog about that work. We ARE making progress and the shift is very, very close to happening in the physical. We Will make it!

    I love your blog and have missed you!

    love, katelon

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Katelon!
      So nice to see you! Your work is good, and I appreciate that the shift is close. Thank you. I have missed you too. I will be over to your place soon.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Welcome back Mary. I’ve been missing you.
    What a beautiful post, heartfelt and honest. The photos of nature are so uplifting. Just what I need in these days of gloom. We need your gentle spirit.
    All the best

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, thanks Opher. So nice to see you. You were gone for a while too. How are you? I’ll be over to your place soon.
      May Light fill the days of gloom for you. I know it’s hard.
      All the best to you too!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for sharing these great pictures (- wow, the hummingbird!) and your wise insights.

    I can relate to the need of having to take time off from blogging and instead doing some journaling. I have taken abundant cave time during the last year.

    I can also relate to the flip-flopping back and forth between angry/sad/fearful thought-emotion spirals and more positive focus. Thanks for sharing your experiences and your wise insights about how you deal with it and heal it.

    Amazing that you get signs by the red-tailed hawk. It seems like the universe sends us messages.

    For me, your post today is synchronistic. I attended a mindfulness group yesterday and we took a mindful walk in the forest and did some exercises on detailed focus vs narrow focus. And today there is your post with reflections about the detailed view vs the view of the hawk. Very interesting synchronicity!

    Best wishes for your journey,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Karin!
      So nice to see you! Yes, cave time is so important!
      Don’t you just love the synchronicities of this life?! So magical!
      Yes, I depend on the messages of Spirit. The guidance.
      It seems important to me to pay attention to the flip-flopping, and not ignore them trying to stay positive all the time. Healing needs to happen no matter how much work we have done so far. We can learn so much from being in body!
      Thank you so much for coming by. May your journey be good.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. Dearest Mary Robin
    I’ve read and basked in the intense beauty of your photos and deeply heartfelt words discribing a passionate journey of introspection , growth, and renewal. I especially was drawn into the extreme glory of your ‘drops’ Your exquisite photos so expertly illustrate your words.
    I thought that Jessica flemming9 best described my feelings as well.
    A privledged viewing of your inner beauty my friend. So very very lovely to celebrate the soltice with your inspiring blog 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Focus Drops | What's (in) the picture?

  9. This is a beautiful, honest, and wise post Mary. Thank you for sharing so openly and deeply. It seems your time away has served you well. I love your photography, and wise reflections on life. We do what we can, hopefully rooted in as much love and gratitude as we can muster. Hugs and welcome back, Brad

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi dear,
    Precious post. I don’t have a lot of words except to say that my heart is touched and in resonance. Loving you down the road.


  11. Mary….you outdid yourself again!!! Amazing words and amazing photographs! So well done on so many levels. I hear your words. I think a great many of us have shared the same dilemmas. These times are definitely not easy! Very trying indeed, but is that not where our lessons come from and if learned from them, we move forward? Victimhood is the currant meme running throughout our heads unfortunately. It has been drilled into us that there is nothing we can do to help ourselves. WRONG! We can and will progress beyond this sad state we find ourselves in. Removing ourselves from the sick reality is a beginning as it gives our minds time to rebuild mindfully….I think the main anguish comes from wanting the end result not from the actual circumstances. We keep struggling ahead but seldom see progress and the depression sets in and if left untreated for too long next the hopeless sets in and then we give up. We must learn to not expect results but keep fighting anyway. It is a hard road to go down. That is why we are all together to offer support when we bend and slump. Stand tall my friend and stay centered in the now where good things flourish and the bad fades away….Glad to see you back 🙂 Blessings…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey VK,
      Nice to see you! Yes, the lessons move us forward. I don’t feel like I can’t help myself, fortunately. The way I do that is to love what comes up for healing. Yes, mindfulness in rebuilding is key. I see both progress and the opposite. I see people awakening and creating a new reality. I also see sad, depressed people as well as a lot of bullies! I don’t really relate to the word “fighting.” Action, yes. I just feel better acting for something instead of fighting against. Yes, it’s hard, but we will come through this. Staying away from expectations, but also forging ahead helps me. Yes, we are here to support each other along the way. I try not to see things as good or bad, but opportunities to love more. That is what I aspire to anyway. You stand tall and centered too, VK. Thanks for coming by. Blessings to you as well. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  12. Thank you, the things you notice in nature that I’d otherwise completely miss help me slow down, wake up, if even for just a minute!


    • Hi Mike!
      I find it very therapeutic to look for the small things as well as the obvious. It brings me more into the moment, which I love. Slooowing down is good. 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


    • You just have to take a lot of pictures to get the one you want. I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. It’s so good to see you here again Mary! It has been an interesting and often troubling time. Yet I still trust in the bigger unknown future that lies ahead. Like being out of focus … we can’t perceive the outcome just yet. Thank you for sharing your glorious photographs of nature’s beauty and offering your insights. I am so happy that the red hawk and your muse are with you one more 💛

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Val!
      Thanks for coming over! Yeah, no way to perceive the outcome, and trusting the bigger unknown future is tough and necessary. Thank you for your well wishes. The hawk has a baby now. She will be busy for a while. I still see her briefly almost every day, though. Hopefully my muse will stick around. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  14. Mary,
    I keep running out of superlatives to describe your photos, your words of wisdom, and your deep connection to nature. Thank you for your honesty. It heals all of us. I love you from the bottom of the stairs! Always remember that!
    Love love love,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Krisser!
      Well, you know I love you from the bottom of the stairs too! Thank you for what you said about honesty and healing. And of course, I loved the first sentence!! 🙂
      I love you very much.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Mary, it is so so very good to see you back!!! ❤ I missed your presence, your words, and your photos. Thank you for sharing this celebration of life and beauty. I loved hearing about your friend, the hawk. May your path be full of awe and inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Kristina!
      It is nice to see you too. Thank you for coming by and leaving such a nice comment. Awe and inspiration – thank you for that wish. That path is one I love. I hope you and your kids are enjoying Prescott still. There is so much beauty to see there. Take care, Kristina.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you, Mary. Yes, indeed we are still enjoying Prescott, although it has been entirely too dry for my taste, but I try to find retreats near the creeks. I really liked your photo of the Fairies. 🙂


      • Thanks Kristina, about the faeries. Yeah, it’s pretty dry here too with lots of smoke in the air. So looking forward to rain, whenever it gets here.

        Liked by 1 person

  16. I do not like big corporations (or big government) either. I’m glad you have been able to let your frustrations go. So far I am still beating my head against the wall and wondering if I’ll ever be able to just live in peace. For some reason, I still want to change the world. To make things right. I should have learned by now. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Capt Jill,
      I know what you mean. It’s easy to give up. I have to believe that somehow, people will come together in Love and miracles will happen. I hope you will continue to want to change the world. I just don’t think we can fix it on the level it was created. I need to let the things go that I have no control over, but continue to act when I feel guided to. I do write to and call Congress people and Senators, and work with groups on that when I can, and of course recycle, and be as sustainable as possible. It’s hard right now. So darn hard! Thanks for coming by, and for your comment. I wish you all the best.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Glad you’re still trying. I am too.
        I agree, we’ll never be able to fix it ‘on the level it was created’. As long as there are people in the world, we will need to use the world’s resources (unless we can finally manage to move into space). I would LOVE to see people learn to use this planet rationally instead of so selfishly (ONLY considering the human race and never anything else). I don’t think that will happen any time soon. The global warming scare is NOT the way to go about it!
        You’re amazing if you have been able to make that serenity prayer work for you. I have a huge problem letting things go. I really, really, really want to FIX things! Even tho I know I’m just one person and not in control of anything, much less the world (but I bet I could fix a hell of a lot of issues if I was!). 😉


  17. Dearest Mary,
    So so good to have you back in our blogging community again my friend..
    Its good to see your post and even more to have you visit me.. 🙂
    Your post touched so many things that pull at my own heart.. And sometimes all I want to do is escape to the woods and join Mother Nature in her energy.
    So many conflicted hearts that are hurting at the moment, and often we who are over sensitive feel too much of others energies..
    Its hard to stand by in none-judgment. But I am learning to detach more and more.. Seeing beneath those who have been chosen to lead . As I see Karmic Energies also unfold across both sides of our pond.

    Your words here resonated Mary
    ” “Perhaps a better world is drawing near. Just as easy it could all disappear.” Maybe we will leave the planet as a species. She will heal Herself when we are gone. Maybe a miracle appears, and we pull out of this. Maybe we all ascend and She comes with us. I guess we will find out. In the meantime, what is our focus?”

    I have to believe in a better world.. I have to believe and have faith that through the sorrow we are experiencing, we are also opening up our hearts within our communities. For it we do not the consequences are indeed dire.
    But as a species we are reaping the reality we have been sowing for decades, with the mind games, of our virtual reality world of make believe, be it in Films, TV or Games..
    Turning off and tuning out is what I do more and more, even my husband is learning, as he sees now the replays and intent of Media News..

    What keeps me focused is our Earth Mother.. The pure joy of her experience.. And yes, Nature is raw and can be cruel too.. I see it often.. Yet there is balance..
    Understanding this balance is the difference..
    And so I trust that the darkness that is casting its shadows across the world is also igniting the Light within our Humanness .. Opening our hearts in compassion.. Bringing us closer as we embrace our differences..
    Yet in truth we are no different.. We are all of us part of the whole..
    I wonder about ascension.. I read many theories .. All I can do is be the best I know how to be..

    I was told many years ago by my guides who spoke in our circle that this would be my last incarnation on Earth.. If that be so, I will miss this beautiful blue planet that is filled with amazing beauty of our Earth Mother.. But I will not miss our Human form, or our human emotions..
    They say Earth is one of the harder planets to inhabit, but it brings swifter progression through the valuable learning we do here.
    I often feel we have still so much to learn as a species..
    And wonder, if our form, this experiment, did it fail? For we keep seemingly going around in cycles and fail to learn and let go and move on..

    I so loved your images of the Dandelion when you said

    I have compassion for my inner victim, and forgive myself for judging her. How could I have taken better care of myself?
    By letting go of the need for control and Letting Go
    Sometimes we need to focus on our healing.
    Sometimes being out of focus is important. There is great beauty in being out of focus…”

    I feel our out of focus IS needed.. For it makes us question, and it allows us to see that out of our shadows we all grow.. Even now as harsh as the lessons are with the tragedies and horrors around our world, even the darkness is making us seek the light..
    Each has purpose. Even though we do not wish to admit it.
    For its hard for us to comprehend or perceive the duality of our natures.. Each has dark and light. And we cannot know one without the other

    Your post Mary was superb.. Each photo a jewel in the crown of your artistic photography skills.. Interwoven with your wonderful thoughts..

    I hope you will excuse my LONG reply, as I air my own thoughts as I join your muse my friend.. For we I feel Sing from the same page often..
    Love and Blessings
    And take care..
    Sue ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Sue!
      I enjoyed every word of your “long” reply. We do sing from the same page often. Our musings resonate like one guitar string, or like a melodic chord that we can play together,as we laugh and cry over the same things. Thank you for coming here today, for this conversation, and your sweet comments about my post.
      Big hug and love ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Mary – 💓🙃🌺 !
    I eagerly awaited your return!
    Absorbing your images here and the all the language in your surroundings. Being nurtured by she who nurtures best! Happy Summer Solstice! So glad you were able to connect with family, and your loves, and that returning to us here is possible again. Self-forgiveness is one of those wheels that keep coming around for us again and again. The rest we are all dealing with… every day.
    So much love,

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Nice to see a post from you in my inbox, Mary. And all those beautiful photos. As you know, I share your deep love of nature where I find restoration and comfort. It has been a busy gardening season so far and I feel behind on many fronts, but at least I am outside in the warm sunshine, playing in the garden, bee-ing myself!
    Wishing you peace and may your phone troubles be resolved soon. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Eliza!
      Thanks for the good phone wishes. It is fixed now, thank goodness. I did go into sort of a tizzy over it. Thanks for liking the photos. They are such fun to take.
      Yes, I do know that about you, and that we share that special love. I love the idea of you bee-ing yourself in your garden. I have been digging thistles today in our hay field. I can’t say I like that that much, but always good to be outside.
      Thanks for coming over here. So nice to see you.

      Liked by 2 people

  20. Oh Mary, such a wise and heart-reflecting post. You’ve been deeply missed, but I so honor your time away. And I’m glad Hawk has been accompanying you – such a powerful companion. These are indeed complex and challenging times and finding our way is not a simple thing. But one thing I know for sure, your wisdom, your voice, and your ability to help us see the beauty that surrounds us is a very welcome gift. May gentleness surround you and peace find you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Deborah! So nice to see you!
      Yes, complex and challenging times…and full of depth.
      Your comment holds deep meaning for me, and I thank you for it.
      The beauty that surrounds us brings gentleness and peace, as does a friendship such as yours.
      Deep warmth,


      • Hey Deborah,
        I just want you to know that when I comment on your site, it says I am blocked. I have even signed up again a couple of times and tried contacting you through your email. I will keep trying. Just know, I love your blog and will keep reading, even if you don’t get my response. I hope you get this!


  21. Hi Mary,

    I got goosebumps when I saw the hawk perched atop that tree. It seems sometimes like these animals know so much, and we so little. There is such power in being who we are. That is what the hawk photo makes me think of in the context of your piece here. The world is on fire, and the hawk is observing, being hawk, knowing hawk is one with fire, knowing fire is one with the world, knowing there is nowhere to go or be but here. We have so many extraneous thoughts I feel, as humans. We’re in challenging times for sure. So much of our perspective is rooted in our comparison of what is to something else we wish will be, and it seems to me a piercing focus, like the hawk’s, could help with some of that. It’s almost like, could we respond fully from the power of who we are? It feels like hawk knows no other way, where we do somehow, and it trips us up.

    So, so, so nice to hear your voice here again, Mary! This post was an open-hearted and beautiful offering.



    • Hi Michael!
      Thank you. It’s nice to be back. So nice to be in touch with this community again. Thank you for your comment. I loved what you said about the hawk. “So much of our perspective is rooted in our comparison of what is to something else we wish will be, and it seems to me a piercing focus, like the hawk’s, could help with some of that. It’s almost like, could we respond fully from the power of who we are? It feels like hawk knows no other way, where we do somehow, and it trips us up.”
      I am grateful to hawk for sticking with me all these months. Now she has a child in the nest, which she and her partner are working hard to feed. They have challenges to, going through the gauntlet of magpies and blackbirds! They cry for each other as they are being attacked. Just as we need each other for support as we become fully who we are, like the baby hawk. Thanks Michael. So nice to see your beautiful heart here.
      Peace and Love,

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Back, sweet Mary, with open arms and happy heart!! You have been missed my friend and it warms my heart to see that your muse is indeed back! Your photos are exceptional and your words are a perfect marriage for them. Focus…it is very important, yes? I am in the middle of a huge shift and I feel resistance to the change. Your words have given me courage to change my perspective on some of what is happening, and to open my heart for the healing and understanding that is available. Sweet blessings to you. Welcome home!! 💜💜


    • Thank you, Lorrie. Your open arms and happy heart is such a nice welcome back!! Thank you for the compliments!
      Focus…yeah. So much of our lives depend on how we perceive things and put what is truly important into focus. Like love! Thanks for yours!!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Mary! It’s so good to see you back on/ Beautiful, thought-provoking post as usual. The letting go part, so relevant to me at the moment. That’s all I could think about as I read your post. I LOVED that first picture of the dandelion. The colors were perfect and it should be hanging over someone’s sofa!!! Welcome back! And good luck fighting the “company!”


    • Thanks so much, Calen! It’s good to be back. What a nice comment. I will be over your way soon. I want to see what you have been up to. Yes, letting go. Isn’t that so simple and not so easy sometimes?


  24. Hi Mary. I have been in wait for you to come back to our blogging world. It surprised me when I found you again. You’ve presented a post of many seasons and turmoils, yet magnificent beauty in your words and photography. I loved your words, “What we focus on is our choice. It creates our reality.” ❤


  25. Beautiful post Mary. So glad that you are back because you share such beauty with your readers. Not sure why I didn’t see your post until now – so glad that I did. Very inspiring. We all have a choice of what we focus on. Your example with the seeded dandelion was perfect. Release! Luckily for us, we are in touch with nature and spirit. As I write, I am watching a sparrow bathing in the bird bath outside the window. The evening shadows are beginning to appear and it’s my favorite time of the evening. It feels like 5 yet it is 7. Nature is calling me outside to dance in the setting sun. It’s not that we ignore the events of the world, they will always be there. You have the ability to share the beauty and lead by your example. For this I am forever grateful:) Love and Light!!


  26. Mary, I get there too, where I decide to pick up the pen, but just st there hand hold it, empty minded. As for the news, I tend to let Betty handle that if I can get away from the tube – not always easy. I have to try and adopt the attitude that “this too shall change” and hope for the best. if I stay away from thos things I cannot affect, perhaps at least my mind will be clearer. I have to realize that there are things I can change and those that I would be better to spend my time on and have perhaps more positive results.


    • Hi John,
      I always liked the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
      Courage to change the things I can, and
      Wisdom to know the difference.

      Thank you for coming by and for your thoughtful comment.


    • Thank you so much, Tania! I feel the same. I think of you a lot, loving you and wondering how you are….but knowing you are fine because of who you are, and how you experience life to the fullest. I love you ❤
      Thank you for coming here today.

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Focus. What a great concept to explore and to observe in my own behaviour. It’s amazing how it switches, and I think part of the beauty of life is the things that suddenly behold us, I suppose with focus, what I am learning is, what do I hold on to? What do I enjoy and what really doesn’t get me very far, at least not for long. Don’t mind me, I’m just pondering on a rainy Wednesday afternoon.
    Thank for the food for thought.

    Much love, Harlon


    • Hey Harlon!
      Nice to see you!
      I hope you hold on to the things that bring you joy. I love your pondering. How nice to have a rainy afternoon. I am having one right now, which is so very needed around here. I’m grateful.
      Much love to you too!

      Liked by 1 person

  28. Thank you, David for the calm gentle breaths.
    I love that – “bad movie marathon.”
    Yes, beauty in each moment.
    I am grateful.


  29. Wow. beautiful post, stunning shots & I love that photo of the little pink one, its a treasure!
    Your phrase….
    “the highest good for all concerned”
    captured my attention. Its a phrase, a philosophy, very dear to my heart. cheers, Debi


    • Thank you so much Debi! I’m glad you came here. I checked out your site too, and enjoyed it very much.
      Yes, the Highest Good of all concerned. I love that phrase too.


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