A Dancey Sort of Day


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What kind of a dancing day, you might ask?

I would tell you it is a fast waltz day, or a polka even, a windy “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down” kind of day.

I don’t usually like wind. It ruffles my feathers, rubs me the wrong way, and makes me downright cranky. It throws things about, chairs go flying, it makes a lot of noise and seems like it really will blow the house down. Right now, I want to go outside and make friends with this wind. It’s here for the whole day, so I better get used to it, stop muttering complaints and maybe even learn to like it.

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I have to lean in, just walking across the meadow. The wind is about 45mph here right now, with 55 mph gusts. Uncomfortable at best. What am I thinking coming out in this blustery gale of a day?

I head for the pines where I know it will sound like the ocean, and be more soothing.

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It is a bit inadvisable to be under trees in this kind of wind, but I have chosen an old friend, Grandmother Ponderosa Pine. She is about 300 years old, so she knows how to stand tall. She has seen a wind storm or two. She knows how to be solid, and how to bend just the right amount to stay intact. She grounds herself in her roots deep down into the Mother.  She centers herself as her needle covered branches sway overhead, while their fast moving shadows dance on the ground. Shadows of needles without the detail. Just lines and odd shapes.

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There are countless dancers here – grasses, trees, clouds and shrubs, all moving to a different rhythm depending on their heights, as so many wild currents sweep by.  It is a contemporary dance.

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Clouds say,

“Dance with the wind!  Love the wind!  Be the Wind.”

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So, I gave in.

I twirled and spun in the whistling wisps, bounded about in the billowy bluster, sprinted and galloped with the gales at my back, sailed through the trees like I didn’t have feet.

And suddenly I was it, and it was me and the force of its breath was setting me free.

I stopped for a moment, just let myself be, and all that I felt was surprising me. Nature’s breath and I were one, and inside my heart felt just like the sun. Warm and fresh, I felt at ease, and all I could do was fall to my knees. Inside my body as I had flown, all negative thoughts from me had blown – up and away and all around, so all I was left with, was Light and sound.

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Loving the wind is easier today. Dancing with it was fun. Practicing being with it without any resistance was phenomenal. Then actually being it. The energy came inside my body, becoming my body – not as a chill, but as substantial energy, feeling like Light and Love, transmuting all negativity. For a moment, I really felt one with the wind.

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Thank you Clouds.

I love the wind in the cattails and willows. They are an interesting couple, and dance differently to the same music. The cattail stems from last year are stiff, while willow, the most flexible of all, bowing all the way over, and back, looking like wild waves.

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Even the rock energy is tussled a bit – they just express themselves a little differently. Muuuuch sloooooweeer.

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This wind reminds me we are going to have to thin a lot this year. It is sad to cut trees, but I talk with each one. Only the ones who agree come down. They decide. They make themselves known, if you listen. Trees know what a healthy forest is. They are willing to fall, become rabbit cover with their fallen branches, and then soil microbe food as they decompose. As times get dryer, fewer trees will make it anyway. We cut clumps of old unhealthy trees and some small ones to create fire breaks, which also become nice meadows for deer and elk and bunnies. Then the remaining trees will have a little more water to share. This drought continues although we had a fairly good snow pack. It is melting too early and too fast, and I think our one lone beaver died, so the creek will probably dry up, or go way down to a trickle. Hopefully enough water will remain to keep the frogs and fish alive. But back to today….

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Swaying into each other – the young ones are only about a hundred years old. They can still bend, so they are dancing in to each other. I take pictures to show the wind, but of course it is not a video, so they just look still. They are not still.

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A free form dance kind of a day today. Wind really keeps you in the moment. It steals your attention and keeps you present.

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The light dances on water

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The wind whips across the water, making big waves and tiny ones.

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The wisp of wind and the sun make sparkles on the water. My mother used to call those little lights, dancing faeries.

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On a not so windy day, I found these dancers at Bosque del Apache where we went for our anniversary. For those of you following numbers right now, we had our 11th on the 11th of Feb.

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Now having tea as I tell you my story.  It was a lovely, windy, dancey sort of day.

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84 thoughts on “A Dancey Sort of Day

  1. i absolutely love this mary!! so cool that you too are experiencing the high winds and embracing them in a beautiful new light. i love the cloud photos and so synchronous, as this morning i took a couple of photos of the clouds here before we headed out, which i was preparing to post. yours definitely dancing…mine were like wings and soaring high…together we dance our way to new heights!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is nice to see one integrating, sensing the spirit of life around us. The cloud pics were stunning. I borrowed one if you don’t mind. I’ll dispose of it if you do.
    Be careful with the thinning of trees. They hold water together. Thinning makes the environment dryer. They don’t share water so much as, by standing together, they preserve it. Fire breaks are needed in a dry climate though.
    Its a nice day to be alive, if we are truly alive inside that is. Wind is as Spirit.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey ART!
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Sure, no problem about the picture. I’d appreciate it if you would give me credit, though.
    Yeah, we live in NM, where fire danger is extreme, so it saves the whole forest. Don’t worry, we have been in land restoration for a long time. We are a bit heretical in how we do it. Most people use a park like style where each tree is a certain distance apart. We use a more holistic approach, friendly for all the forest beings, and varying habitats.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The pictures are awesome. I like the cloud pictures a lot. And what an amazing experience that you felt one with the wind when you gave up resistance!
    I like wind and how it blows the thoughts out if my mind.
    Peace and blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you Karin,
    Yeah, funny how things change when you give up resistance. 🙂
    We have a lot of wind during March and April. Yes, it does feel like it has a cleansing effect. When I”m not cranky about it, it can be really fun. We live in fear around here because of fire, and the drought is so bad. Wind really feeds fires. Big fires actually create their own wind as well. Trying to just be in Love and imagining lots and lots of water! Thanks for reading, Karin.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: The Calm | bluebutterfliesandme

    • Thank you so much Sindy!! Thank you for responding to this on your own post. You are so kind. I’m glad you moved to Arizona because you are only a state away. May the wind dance with you as you complete this really difficult semester. I don’t remember what Don Juan said about the wind. Menacing? I often feel that way. It’s just so pervasive this time of year. Almost oppressive. That’s why I had to do something different. Change up the energy. Thanks again, soul sister.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love how you expressed your oneness with the playful wind with an inspired poem! As you become one with the wind; the poem is spontaneously created by your union. The spontaneity of the poem gave me a perfect avenue by which to join in the fun! Thank you!
    Your cloud photos are off the chart!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Jen!! You are right. I hadn’t thought of that, about the poem being spontaneously created by the union. Thanks for joining in the fun!
      And thanks for what you said about the photos. 🙂
      Much love, dear Jenny

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Loved being with you on this windy day, Mary. I felt like I was there, too! How wise of you to make peace with the wind, resistance is so draining and unsettles us. And you danced with it, a delightful embrace! Loved all your beautiful cloud photos – the sky is one of my favorite parts of nature. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Eliza! I know….that resistance. Such a drag. I love the sky too. Today we have a red-tailed hawk dancing around against the blue. So beautiful when the sun shines through her feathers. I’m glad you were there with me on this windy day. If you liked it a lot, you should come to NM in March or April. It’s almost a daily occurrence. Thanks for reading, being with me in the wind and for your lovely comment.
      Peace and waltzes,

      Liked by 2 people

  9. loved waking up to this post and reading it on my OPPO phone, Mary! 🙂
    love the way you turn Wind from something you fear into an Ally you love!

    beautiful….. now off to get ready for the big flight……. up in the skies with the wind dancing…. thank you Mary. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hey Debbie!
    I still don’t know what an OPPO phone is. 🙂
    I’m glad you liked the post. Thanks so much for your comment. Safe travels!!
    Much love,


  11. Wonderful tale Mary…The walk was invigorating! Love how you faced your foe and joined hands for a dance…Twirling and spinning until your souls joined together as well. Great words and thanks for sharing your dancey day…Blessings…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you VK! Thanks for sharing my dancey day with me. Does that make us wind dancers? It was fun. Thank for reading and sharing your comment.
      Blessings to you,

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Trini!!!
    So nice to see you! I love all the little pictures you put with words. I’m glad you liked the dance and the fairies and the clouds. Do you have nice skies in India?
    Love and Light,


  13. I followed you around as you danced with the wind, Mary. I saw wind horses in those clouds. Lots of action, perhaps winds of big change?
    We, too, have high winds today and into the night. I’m a bit nervous about strong winds nowadays as we had a very bad wind gust about a month ago that took off the entire roof of an addition to the house.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Oh, Yay! Wind horses! Winds of big change! ❤
    I loved my wind dancer day, Annette but between you and me, it's not my favorite. I'm glad to have improved my relationship with it, but I'd like it to settle down. We always have high winds in March and April. Our biggest threat with it is fire. So sorry about the addition on your house!!! That must have been scary when it happened and a big problem to deal with. Wow!!
    Thank you for reading here, and for your comment. I hope the roof is fixed.
    Peace and calm air,

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Beautiful photos. I love how you interact with nature and describe that deep connection you have with it.

    I love wind except for when I’m in dry desert areas with wind. It does take letting go doesn’t it!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Hi Katelon!
    You are so nice to read and comment. Thank you. Wind is my least favorite part of nature, so I was glad to have that connection. Hopefully we will get along better. 🙂 It’s nice that you love it.
    Yes, letting go. I typically resist wind. Thank you for what you said about the photos and how I interact with nature. I do feel an incredibly deep connection.
    Peace and Blessings


  17. This is exactly what I needed today Mary. I am too serious at times, and I definitely forget to dance and be light-hearted like the clouds and move with the changing of the wind. Your pictures today are just brilliant and they all looked like a dance in motion! You are easily connected to your inner child Mary and I am learning from this gift. 🙂 Happy dancing!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have seen your inner child, Karen and she is light-hearted indeed. If you weren’t in touch with her, you wouldn’t see it in me. I am so glad she came out to dance with me in the wind, and it thrills me when people connect with their inner child. Thank you for what you said, Karen. It means a lot to me. Looks like I may have to be a wind dancer again today. We have strong winds through March and April. They wear on me, so thanks for that “Happy Dancing!” You too! 🙂
      Blessings, Love and Light

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Delightful post. I enjoy watching what the wind can do in nature, it is really very social, and sometimes playful sometimes erratic. We’re not best friends, but I am with his relative THE SUMMER BREEZE. Thanks again for getting me outdoors. Love, Harlon

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hey Harlon,
      I always get happy if I encourage someone to be outside. 🙂 I am much more fond of the Summer Breeze as well. It was a stretch for me to love the wind, but I really did. I can’t speak for today, another windy day, as is all of March and April here. I like how you say the wind is very social, playful and erratic. Yes, I can see that too. It can also be mean, passionate – like a tango or pasodoble! I should have mentioned that. Oh well. Haha! Thanks Harlon. I hope you have a wonderful day.
      Love and Light,

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Hi Mary,

    I’d say you did a little more than learn to like it! You described it well, being blown along by the wind and carried over the land. Carried like a kite dashing and hopping over the earth. Like many natural forces, I think they can be frightening at times, particularly when in one of their more powerful states. But somehow, sometimes– like in your experience here– the fear can fall away and we can discover the unity between ourselves and these great natural forces. It’s good to have friends so great and grand! It’s good to find the silence and the calm amidst the Light and Sound, too.

    I like that as time goes by we see more photos of your land and start to develop a relationship with it even. Through your voice. And beautiful cloud photos, too. They look like they’re cruising along at a pretty decent clip in some of those. Flowing over ridges in waves…


    Liked by 4 people

  20. Hey Michael,
    I so love it when fear falls away. Feeling the unity and the silence.
    This morning the sun is speckled on the tops of the trees as they begin to soak up the energy, readying themselves for another day of dance. It can be frightening, especially during fire season. I try not to think about that, and I imagine water water water for all – gratitude for snow or rain – past present and future.
    I’m glad you are getting to know this land. It is feels like a magical healing place. And yes, those clouds were really flying and dancing along. I don’t know where they were going in such a hurry!
    Thanks for your comment, Michael. Have a wonderful day.
    Love, Light, Sound and Silence


  21. What gorgeous pictures! Especially the one of light dancing on the water. And your words were so comforting as I followed you about. I’ve always loved the picture of trees in the wind. I think because of the Tanya Tucker song Strong Enough to Bend. It’s such a good life lesson, is it not?

    There’s a tree out in the backyard
    That never has been broken by the wind
    And the reason it’s still standing
    It was strong enough to bend

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Calen! I’m glad you liked it. So glad you came by. I do think that is such a good life lesson. I love willows for that reason. They are so good at bending, and you can always trust them to hold you while crossing or exiting a creek (if they are alive). It’s good to be able to bend and be flexible about stuff….cuz, there’s a lot of stuff in this world!!! 🙂
      Blessings of strength and flexibility,

      Liked by 2 people

  22. Another delightful, beautiful post, Mary. Thank you for letting us join your dance. And happy anniversary!

    I know what you mean about having to thin trees and how the trees know what is best. As caretakers (I don’t like “owners” although it’s accurate it sometimes seems as if the land owns us more than we own it, and even that doesn’t feel correct, maybe something meaning “relationship” would be best but I’m digressing) for the land where we’re currently planted, M and I have been getting to know the trees and meadows, and learning what they think is best before we do anything. The exception to that are some meadows that our under a conservation agreement that the previous owners didn’t keep mowed according to the agreement (they need to be maintained as grasslands for the wildlife) so we’ve been faced with having to mow everything down including a lot of trees. I’ve found that painful. I’ll be glad when we’ve finished it all, and things are in a state of maintenance rather than correction.

    I didn’t mean to go on about me and the ranch here. Your words and images are gorgeous, and I felt as though I’d gone dancing with you. I can see (and almost feel) the wind in your photos. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Hey Robin,
    Nice to dance with you too! 🙂
    The word I like best, I think is stewardship. I feel so blessed to be here on this magical land, and I feel a deep responsibility to taking care of it as best we can. We manage it as sort of a wildlife preserve, so we are constantly creating habitat, and thinning enough to mitigate fire danger and disease. We don’t do anything like spray or anything, but we try to thin out the unhealthy ones, make more room for the healthy ones to thrive. They get more light, especially and also water. We are definitely in relationship with this land. Yeah, “owner” feels like such the wrong word. Some of Bill’s family used to call it our “property.” I put a stop to that right away. Property! What? Yuck!
    Was your ranch called Wabi Sabi or did you name it? I love that.
    Thanks for your visit, Robin, and thanks for the anniversary good wishes.

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    • I named it Wabi-Sabi Ranch. It was a dreadful mess here when we purchased the house and came to live on this land. I have to admit that I romanticized a bit when I named the place. At first it all seemed so beautiful and just in need of some TLC, but then we discovered the land had been trashed as badly as the house. Worse. This is a critical area of the Chesapeake Bay — something I’m learning a lot about over time — and the people who built the house were, as I’ve come to learn, similar to other folks from here who have a saying about letting nature take care of it. The basic meaning of that is to throw your trash wherever and nature will deal with it. Household trash, building trash, all sorts of trash was scattered all over the land (and in the strangest places such as old planters and barrels), and the plastic is, to me, the worst of it. It doesn’t biodegrade, but breaks up into tiny pieces that eventually end up in the creeks, the rivers, the sound, and out to the bay. Plastic, as you probably know, is a big, big problem in our bays and oceans where birds, turtles, and fish eat it and sometimes die as a result. We had 5 tons of trash removed our first year here. We continue to find plastic all over the place. Coors Light cans, too. Somebody consumed a lifetime supply of Coors Light beer.

      Then there are the drive-by trashings. People just fling their cans, bottles, fast food and household trash out their pick-up truck and car windows. Once or twice a week we go out and clean out the ditches (where the water rises and falls with the tides) out on the road where we live and always comes back with a big wagon filled with mostly plastic bottles. I wish we could eliminate plastic bottles. It would be a start.


  24. I am so with you on eliminating plastic bottles. I know what plastic does to wildlife, especially ocean wildlife. I love the Chesapeake Bay area. I grew up in Maryland. Bill spent some time there too. He is a wildlife biologist. It is such a critical area, critical and special habitat. I hate the whole trash thing. Seems everywhere more and more people are just throwing their fast food trash out the window. I don’t get it. So sorry your land was so trashed. Lots of work and heartache. Your pictures are so beautiful. You have an eye for beauty, and seeing all that devastation. I really feel for you. It is like that here in a way. People don’t care about the water, except to use it all up. They don’t care about streams for their own sake or wildlife’s sake. They dump stuff in it. New Mexico has weird laws.Some protections, but not enforced. I’m sure you and I could get on a lot of soap boxes together. I get so impatient for people to WAKE the bleep UP!!! Many blessings on your land!!


    • Happy Easter to you too, Ellen! So glad you liked the photos. May you always enjoy dancing with the wind!
      Thank you for reading and for your comment.
      Peace and Gratitude,

      Liked by 1 person

  25. You took me right there to a joyous wind-dancing of the imagination, Mary. I became as if a kite, anchored to the ground via the secure ‘kite line’ of the body, yet also free to be moved in space without resistance. Dancing requires that we be anchored in some way, I think, for without that the force is overpowering, and our dance partner (the wind) soon throws us to the edges of its powers, and the dance is over. How to find that point, that still point, of no resistance whilst remaining anchored in the body? I am reminded of this:

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  26. What a lovely comment, Hariod!
    You know, I felt like a kite that day too, but couldn’t find a place to use it in the post. I’m glad I didn’t, as you may not have said what you did. I love what you said about the ” kite line of the body, yet also free to be moved in space without resistance.” Yes, that anchoring. The wind is certainly a powerful force, and being thrown to the edge, ending the dance would not have had the same outcome as my tame, childlike flight. “How to find that point, that still point, of no resistance whilst remaining anchored in the body?” That is the question. Thank you so much for the T.S Eliot poem. “Without the still point there would be no dance and there is only the dance.” “I cannot say how long, for that would be placing it in time.”
    I think time gets bad press here. We know there is no time, not really. But without it, we wouldn’t have those “moments in the rose garden,” or times watching crashing waves by the sea, or a sunset upon the surf, or feel those deep emotions, caught woven between past and future. I wouldn’t want to trade that in right now. Not yet.
    I’m so happy I was able to spark “a joyous wind-dancing of the imagination,” Hariod. Thank you for this thought provoking comment. I so enjoy you, my friend.
    Peace and anchored flight,

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Hey Mary,

    How are you? 🙂 I hope spring’s flush finds you well and happy in your heart and youthful in your spirit! 🙂

    I’m listening to the sound of the wind gusting outside the window and shrilling around the buildings edge like a banshee. It’s adding a sense of atmosphere to my reading this morning as I sit to enjoy your poetic dance and wind-waltzing wandering. I’ve opened the window a little as well and the breeze is gently teasing an occasional melody from the dragonfly wind chime. I like to see him fly and hear him sing his tubular song. I wish it were warmer, but as always the warmest sunshine is here on your Blog to enjoy in abundance 🙂

    A Dancey Sort of Day is both magical and enchanting and reads as a wind-swept dream I’m pulled into when I step out of your back door. Whether I climb aboard the huge winged cloud I see in the first photograph, or meander along breezy paths through ocean whispering woods to Grandmother Pine, I’m held in the flow of something ‘other’. In flying, I’m carried through the ripple and weave of interlacing clouds in azure skies, along pathways I ripple with the wind in exposed places and flurry into the softened shades of shadow’s pondering Ponderosa. Beyond there, I flow-on and follow glimmering streams past plush green trees and tender saplings and into softly waving pools sparkling with light fairies. The air feels warm and dry, the ground even drier still, and the grass ablaze in shades of fire. All is alive and energised and I feel a part of the rhythm and sway in Nature’s movement, part of the persistent motion around me, and part of something continuous and never-ending within me. At once unravelled and rewound, I sense my frayed threads blowing away in the breeze, and my new weave woven by the waves of winding wind 🙂

    We don’t have sumptuous blue skies like those in your photographs here this morning, or the drift of rippling cloud, but a sheet of uniform ash-grey disappearing to a hazy horizon. There wasn’t even a discernable sunrise in the light gloom either, at least not from my flat window. I linger to look at the cloud photographs and find my thoughts flowing into their shapes, shifting with their changing forms and dissolving in the depths of cobalt blue. It feels so free and freeing to be flying high amongst them and sliding on their stream of warm air. Back on the earthen path, I stop to admire waving willow dressed in a flush of deep pink flame, and pause to ponder a moment at rocks and boulders to understand the stability they offer to calmly swaying grass. I gaze out upon the emerald lustre of hillside forests and consider your thoughts on the deep relationship you have with the trees in your care, the way you listen for their advice before helping to maintain life through ecological thinning and clearing. My mind imagines the sweep of narrow misted meadows waking within the glow of morning and I watch as hazy phantoms emerge as deer and elk into pools of streaming gold. Further ahead, in the playful ballet of birds I reflect back on nature’s ability for diverse self-expression, and pause to consider each of the major elements that have comprised my walk and wonder at the eloquence of their uniqueness. It is a beautiful landscape to walk within 🙂

    I enjoyed the impulsiveness of your lyrical poem: the way energy builds along your walk and suddenly rushes through you and the landscape breathing vitality and freshness back into everything and leaving all flushing an invigorated smile. Thoughts of ‘billowy bluster’, and galloping gales, of ‘whistling wisps’ and ‘nature’s breath’ are rich with thought and fun with imagery. ‘Inside my body as I had flown’, is a really wonderful line 🙂

    Mary, it’s been an absolute delight to walk amidst the impressionistic wonderland of your dancing back garden. Pulsing, uncoiling, and vibrating in shape and shadow, and shifting colour and shade, I am left feeling stirred, not shaken, refreshed and revived, and altogether lighter in my stride as I settle to enjoy a cup of tea at the end of your wandering tale 😀

    Thank you so much for laying down a crafted track along a wind-swept path and easing away the cloud this side of the great puddle with lyrical warmth 🙂

    Have a wonderful Sunday and marvellous week ahead!

    Take care always in always for always and always.

    DN – 27/03/2016

    Liked by 2 people

    • My dear Dewin,
      This might just be my most favorite comment ever! Thank you so much! Thank you for liking my, ” poetic dance and wind-waltzing wandering!” I love everything you said. “A Dancey Sort of Day is both magical and enchanting and reads as a wind-swept dream I’m pulled into when I step out of your back door.” I just want to quote everything you said, but of course I don’t need to because I have it all right here! I hope you kept a copy for yourself, because it is beautiful writing. This comment means so much to me, Dewin. I love every word, and I have taken each one into my heart, where I will dance about in happiness. I want to print it and paste it to my wall! You are such a talented writer, and you have written me a masterpiece. Thank you for noticing every detail, and sending it back to me woven in pondering Ponderosa green, and heartfelt waves of winding wind. Thank you for taking this walk with me, Dewin, and dancing this dance.


      Liked by 2 people

      • Good morning Mary,

        Welcome to Monday morning and brand new week in which to shine! 😀

        And of course, belated Happy Easter – I’m so sorry to have forgotten to add best wishes to the end of my comment. Were you gifted with chocolate and blessings by the Easter bunny? I hope so as you undoubtedly deserve both 🙂

        Thank you for enjoying my comment and replying with such warmth and kindness, there’s a smile attached to every word that’s brightened up my day 😀 I thoroughly enjoyed every step of my waltz within your wonderful weave of words, textures, and energetic verse…so much so I fact, that I think a part of me stayed in wonderland to continue its merry dance with you. It is a magical tale to trail and such delightful company to enjoy along the pathway. I love coming to your site Mary and pausing for a while: here I’m distilled within Nature’s dream but always wake to understanding something more about myself and about life. I enjoy being so happily displaced amidst the beauty on your doorstep and the charm of your spellbinding words. 🙂 You always make it such a pleasure to be here, thank you 🙂

        Hoping all is always well, and in all ways, will always be well 🙂

        Take care always. Namaste

        DN – 28/03/2016

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      • Oh, do let’s dance again today Dewin!
        Thank you for your Easter wishes. No chocolate bunnies, but on the top of the hill, there is a tree formation that looks just like the profile of a chocolate Easter bunny! Sometimes we tell people we made it that was – one of us at the house with binoculars and a walkie talkie, the other at the top of the hill with a saw, a ladder and a walkie talkie. Silly.
        You are such a weavingly wonderful, enchanting gift to my heart !
        Peace always in all ways for always and always,

        Liked by 1 person

      • 😀 lol I like that story very much, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you had been creative with your planting and pruning! Will you take a photograph…perhaps for next Easter?

        Some years ago whilst living in an area of the UK called Cheshire, I worked at a country house Hotel set in several hundred acres of rolling countryside. At the farthest reach of the Hotel’s outermost boundary, the land joined that owned privately by a member of the landed gentry. This boundary as seen from their estate was marked by a folly, a dome shaped structure set high up on the crest of a hill. It was painted brilliant white for as long as I can remember and used to shine like a beacon in the sunlight. That was until one Monday morning when word got round that the colour had changed, to green! On Tuesday it changed to red, Wednesday blue, Thursday orange, Friday black, and Saturday back to white again, albeit a little streaky and grey in places. It was the talk of the village for weeks, how some practical joker had honoured a pub bet and painted the folly a different shade everyday until the local police caught them on the Sunday morning! lol 🙂

        Enjoy the enchanted weave of a magical day Mary. 🙂


        DN – 28/03/2016

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      • Hahahaha! That is hilarious!! I love a good caper, and that was a daring one!
        Namaste, Dewin.
        Love and laughter,

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  28. I came by on just the right day here Mary.. Just as our storm Katie is hitting our place.. I love the wind ( if not too fierce ) to blow the cobwebs away.. So enjoyed dancing amid your fantastic photo’s and got the sense of how it swirled the clouds and the trees spoke within their creeks as they got buffeted about..
    Loved the 11:11 🙂 don’t you just love that when you notice these things..

    I couldn’t tell it any better than Dewin already has… such an eloquent way with words 🙂 as our friend.. and I delighted dancing in your words and absorbing the atmosphere within your photo’s Mary..

    Have a Joyous Sunday .. Dance dance where ever you may be………….. 🙂

    Happy Easter to you
    Love Sue

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    • Hey Sue!
      Thank you so much! Yes, the wind does blow the cobwebs away…and chairs. I like the cobwebs blowing away better! I’m glad you enjoyed the dance, Sue, and really glad you came here today. Yes, you are so right about Dewin. He has such an eloquent way with words. We have a wonderful family here on WP, for which I am truly grateful. I am glad we are dancing this journey together. May you always dance!
      Happy Easter to you!
      Love ❤

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  29. Hi Mary,
    This post and the comments that followed were part of my morning reading. I think I ought to go have some tea now, feeling satisfyingly energized and ready to face just about anything ❤️. Happy Anniversary, Easter & It’s a Merry Life. Love, Ka
    PS. That one photo with the broccoli looking trees, taken from far away… it was a still shot, but I saw a swaying, and dare I even say it, a wink! 😉 Willows are inspiring! Hello Pondersosa Pine: I remember you!


  30. Hey Ka!
    Yes, let’s have tea! So glad you fee satisfyingly energized and ready to face anything! Yes, it is a Merry Life, isn’t it? So nice to see you here among the pines. They remember you too, though you have only met in spirit. Have a wonderful wonderful day today!!! 🙂


  31. Bravo! I was reminded of the energy in the air when a hurricane is coming near and also of the dreams I used to have of flying but not exactly flying, but rather being lifted extra high by the wind when I jumped or leaped as if the gravity is low. Those clouds were amazing!

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  32. WOW, Mary, Become One with the wind, now that’s a Biggie. You’re SO not the only one who resists it. what a Teaching! Well, as usual, my favorite photo is the first one, which I just have to call “The Cloud Kiss”. Doesn’t it just look like that cloud on the right is swooping in to give the most adorable kiss to the big solid spaceship cloud on the left?

    Thanks, Mary, for Teaching us about being Wind Friends.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jessica!!
      Well, I have to say, I haven’t given up resisting the wind. Nope, today I am back to resisting it, as the chairs fly. It was wonderful to love it for a day, though. I hope to do more of that. Now, the first picture to me looks like a seagull – the one before any writing. The first one within the writing – I can totally see your cloud kiss.
      I love you, Jess. Thanks for your loving support.


  33. Hi Mary!
    I was having a hard day and was just going to try and sleep over it when something asked me go through your blog. Probably it was the wind that came here after a week of a power show-off from the sun! It wasn’t so strong though, but it was a relief!
    And believe it or not I did try to sway and move with the melody of leaves 😁

    I do not usually act selfish and talk about myself on other bloggers’ posts, but your dancing trees standing tall, your jubilant clouds swaying high, the brilliant salsa of light on water, the not-so-easy-going rocks trying yo move, and the absolutely beautiful birds playing in the lap of nature – they called the child out of this adult 😁

    I heard a picture says a thousand words. Here, they made a journey. You looked fabulous while dancing under the 3 centuries old wise tree looked after you. A simply magnificent post and equally magnificent experience:)

    Happy anniversary! Glad to meet you!


    • Hi Prateek!
      I’m so glad you enjoyed this post, and most of all I am glad the child came out of your adult! I am always happy when I can encourage an inner child out! Thank you for the kind comment. It made my day!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Sandy!
      How are you? Nice to see you here. Thank you about my photos. I bet you have danced with the wind before. 🙂

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      • Hello Mary – I certainly have many times. Love the excitement in the air when the wind blows!! Met some kindred hearts today while traveling for work. One of the ladies spoke to me before about earthing and has purchased the wrist bracelets. Another woman I met for the first time was surprise to hear Molly and I speaking so freely about earthing. When I mentioned in the winter hugging a tree can do the same thing she was shocked that I would speak so openly. Then confessed she has been hugging trees for years but never told anyone before. We told her this was nothing to be ashamed of. I think we will find her dancing in the wind soon:) Love and Light!


      • It’s amazing to me that not everyone hugs trees! Haha! Dancing in the wind.
        Tay inna win little chicopea.. You saw that movie right? Now I can’t think of the name of it…with Jodi Foster. Little twin girls.

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  34. Yes! Nell! Thank you. Would have bugged me for a while. Yeah, I’d like to see it again. Mostly what I remember is their little language. tay inna win lil chickopea. 🙂


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